The UKM Had A UK Invasion moment

It just shows that any one of us could end up like Dicky and the girls at times. Needing more storage and recording equipment, i decided to build an extra, more powerful tower. Put a new motherboard in, added extra sticks of RAM, new CPU and added 3 extra hard drives, with the two from the older system.

All very simple, what could possibly go wrong?

Nothing, if you use your head and rename each hard drive. If you don’t, then the chances are, you will forget which two had all the videos and screenshots of casts on, and which 3 are new and need formatting 🙁

Yep, that’s right, empty head here ended up formatting the drives with everything on, and wiping 700GB of data, every show, every screencap and every Gif/pictures that have been used on here.

Luckily, i have several data recovery disks, so managed to rescue it all back, but took 2 days though 🙁

So we are back up and running again. I just wonder, now that i’ve shown that even i can be an idiot with IT, is it worth asking to be a Tech Mod on JustCast 😉




John eyes_99-165_2nd_optimized

3 Thoughts to “The UKM Had A UK Invasion moment”

  1. Ryan

    Looks like the mighty blogger who fancies himself infallible has made a mistake. Oh how the mighty fall.

  2. Angie2013

    At least you admit to your mistakes, glad you got it all back.
    I would not of a clue where to start with all that adding stuff, i can add memory though. 🙂 plus i dont like Electric i,d end up blowing something up.

  3. RogerRamjet

    Bet you’ve never been described as “the mighty blogger” before, but if that’s Ryans opinion of you who am i to argue.

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